Tuesday 12 February 2013


As it's pancake day, I may as well write about Pancakes as I'm in the mood to write. I know Pancakes originate purely to get rid of extra ingredients in time for lent, however obviously it's morphed into a day of happiness and sugar as a substitute for those who don't appreciate Valentines Day (OHMYSPUD, THAT WAS THE SUBJECT OF THE PREVIOUS POST...moving on)

More lists for you; best things on pancakes

Sugar and lemon is beyond boring, spice it up (not literally- unless you want to) using these.
1) I've never tried it, but i theorized it a few days ago, when pancake is cooked but still in the pan, throw some gummy bears on it, allow to soften and eat. Diabetes in a pancake :)

2) using a similar method to the previous, use other sweets, so instead of using normal chocolate, use Aero or kitkat or something

3) My personal favourite; marshmallow spread.

4) Popping candy (can be combined with other ingredients)

Moving to Valentines day.

Although being in a relationship, I don't see much of the big deal of Valentines, I've bought him a packet of sweets (which he knows about) and I believe that's it for the both of us- however I've heard my relationship is odd to begin with.

I like the idea of Valentines to tell someone you love them, but this shouldn't be localised to relationships, a few years ago I made all my friends Valentines cards, it was awesome just to tell them how cool they were, it's almost like a day off from being mean for me.. which is horrible ;)

All these grand gestures though, are just weird. I see the grand gestures as an apology for not being good enough for the other 364.25 days a year. Un-needed. Fair enough if you like them, but I'd rather have consistency, as a horrible mean person I am, my friends don't get this, so Valentines is my day to be nice (I'm not sticking to that)

Well that'll be all my input in life for the next two months. I'ma call it the 'Charlie McDonnell effect'
...was that mean?

(If you got that, you can stay)

For the record- Halloween's the best Holiday.

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