Not a post in over a year, I'm great at this blog thing...
So obviously there must be an awfully good reason to air an opinion after a year of silence. And I think it's a good point.
Remember complaining about stuff you learnt at school that they won't use again, here's the thing; someone will be using it.
You know the situation, spin back to year 10 maths lessons and you have people complaining why do they need to know this stuff? But back to the present day, those 'useless' things, I use everyday in my degree, simultaneous equation, equations of graphs, Pythagoras theorem, and that's not the main part of my degree, I'm expected to know it, because it was covered in mainstream education.
I know that's not the case for everyone, but you'll have something else you took from school. People going into Geography fields use skills they learnt in those lessons and so on for every subject. Everyone's got something, even if it's like learning how to make friends (a skill I am still working on).
Everyone complains that they learnt all this irrelevant stuff at school, but you're forgetting the relevant stuff you learnt. Writers will remember their English lessons, Scientists use their Science lessons.
Just because you don't use everything doesn't been someone isn't. The education system doesn't know what you enjoy, and you won't know what you enjoy and don't until you try it.
Bloody hell stop complaining.
< /rant >
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