Monday 17 December 2012

On the Fourth Day of Blogmas

Okay, so if you're observant you'll notice day 3 and 4 are the same day, and the gap between day 2 and 3 is about two weeks. Organisation isn't my strong point.. can you tell?

So todays (second) post is linked to earliers one. If you scroll down a little bit, you'll notice I wrote a list of my favourite christmas songs. However; I slightly lied in that post. Although 'All I Want For Christmas is You' is my favourite christmas song, it's predominantly the Mariah Carey version (obviously, duh)

But a song I just brushed on in the previous post, is my one true love. Any version, any singer, and I will belt it out with no shame. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Honestly, I love this song, because the whole thing is just one big tease, which I find kinda fun and awesome.. (and me)

Continuing with the list theme, here's a very comprehensive (ha) list of my favourite covers of the beautiful; Baby, It's Cold Outside...yep, all two of them.

Carrie Hope Fletcher + Tom Law

 Cameron Mitchell + Lindsay...something

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow I hadn't heard Baby It's Cold Outside by Carrie Fletcher! It's so good her voice is lovely
